
Bikes and mountains...

Today I rode a bike around a tree several times. Yes, my life is so exciting ;) I also rode a bike along narrow footpaths and wide park pavements, rode up and down hills (weeee!) and along the grass. I even used my brakes instead of just jumping of the bike whenever I wanted to stop. This may seem like a somewhat mundane thing to announce, but, for me its a big deal. Yup, I learnt how to ride a bike. I'm not at the hardcore riding-along-with-the-traffic stage, nor at the riding-alongside-a-river-where-I'm-at-risk-of-falling-in stage, but, I'm just proud I can keep my balance and ride in a straight(ish) line. Simple things please simple minds ;)

And no, I didn't take the above photo today whilst out riding... ;) I took this photo at the summit of Mt. Takao on New Years Day back in 2005. Its currently being used on the Trazzler website. Ignore their map - Mt. Takao is 100% in Tokyo, not Kyoto...

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