

The work Christmas party this year was a day trip to Paris! Getting up in the middle of the night, we all hit the brand new International St Pancras station and zoomed off to Paris. We were given breakfast on the train and the most appreciated cup of tea ever! The meal was in a restaurant along the Champs de Elysees. The meal was... OK. They went a little crazy with Brandy, pouring it in everything... It spoiled it a bit as it was a tad over-alcoholised for me... But the whole atmosphere was great. On the way home there was free champagne on the train, so by the time we got to England people were very, very ... happy. It was a nice day. Shattering though. I left home at 6am, I got home at midnight.

Anyway, I couldnt help myself taking a peek at one of the JLPT level 2 answer sites. I was dubious as to whether or not they were acurate, but after conpairing the answers to the questions, I was satisfied and couldnt resist seeing how bad I did. (I'm a sucker for punishment) I cant remember what I answered for each question, especially in dokkai as I was umm-ing and err-ing a lot, but........!

Even after the worst-case scenario outcome.....

I just might have passed.

Ha! Thank god for Moji-Goi and Listening ^^
But, lets just wait and see. I dont know how big a proportion of the marks goes to reading...

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