

(ジョンジョリーナ・アリーの曲、「鼻毛ボー」。 ジョンジョリーナ・アリーもASHIKUSAIという曲も作ったみたい。おもしろい!)

3 件のコメント:

Papigiulio さんのコメント...

Ahhh now I remember this song. I saw her perform live on "hey, hey hey" a.k.a. Downtown a few weeks back, she was wearing these weird clothes and big flower rings lol. :P

karekora さんのコメント...

So she is famous? I never knew! My friend just told me about this song, I thought it was a prank... but its actually released? haha! Great! I want to buy it :)

Papigiulio さんのコメント...

Well seeing as she made it on the show, she is definitely becoming more famous. In fact Daigo (not sure if you know him, funny singer who always says "Wuuuiiiish") proved that his cdsales rocketed because of the show. Heh :)