
Tom, Katie and Pickpocket Cruise :-)

Aaaahhhh! Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise have a little baby girl :) And, in true star fashion, they name it a unusual name. Welcome to the world, Suri Cruise. ^^

It may mean all the nice things they say it mean - "princess" in Hebrew and "red rose" in Farsi, but I pity her when she gets to Japan. As I pity Uma Thurman. (uma = horse 馬)

Suri means Pickpocket in Japanese. It can also mean printing (刷り). Not so exotic huh.

But, I guess you cant have a word that means something great in all languages huh - look at my Japanese friend whose name was Maiko. When she lived in Australia everyone thought her name was Micheal.. :( And then theres Mrs Sugiki... So geeky...

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