

手紙, pronounced てがみ is the Japanese Kanji for the English word 'letter', right? Japanese Kanji derives from China, so therefore, most of the Kanji in Japan has the same meaning in Chinese, or if not, then a near-enough same meaning. 'Tegami' however, has a completely different meaning, and yet, it still makes sense as to why they use the Kanji for 'hand' 手 and 'paper' 紙.

But, what is it? Can you think?
Its really obvious and will hit you in the face when I tell you the answer later this week :)


鳩, pronounced はとis the Japanese word for 'Pigeon'. The right hand side of the Kanji here makes sense - 鳥, pronounced とり means bird. But, why the 九, meaning '9' on the left? Nine birds = Pigeon? That makes no sense!! But, as in tegami, the answer is obvious. Have a think :)

Hand Paper = ??????
Nine birds = Pigeon

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