
Dont wear this on the tube..

2 件のコメント:

匿名 さんのコメント...

Just stupid that that's held up on 'Engrish.com' as an example of Japanese English - the line is from a Nirvana song. An American band.

That Engrish site is just ever-so-slightly racist i think, but then, myself, I'm just slightly prejudiced against ignorant Americans! x

karekora さんのコメント...

hi, i understand where you are coming from! I, too, dont like ignorant Americans.

The English itself is perfect. I didnt know it came from a song - ironic!! An American site saying how bad Japanese English is - their example? A T-shirt which says the lines of an American song! Haha...

I just thought it was funny because of the meaning... I guess its on Engrish.com because nobody in England would ever wear a tshirt saying that.

Even though you can have sexual or sexist remarks, or contraversial remarks (or, in england the phrase "I love my attitude problem" is worryingly popular) on tshirts, the above tshirt is a kind of taboo...