
No escape??

Bit down. Its becoming a little bit too clear as to why this company employed me. I dont regret chosing this company over the English company, but I'm starting to wonder if it would have been more 'normal'...

The boss isn't really interested in me doing design. He wants to learn English and today invited me to lunch so that he can learn English from me. He keeps repeating that I used to be an English teacher in Japan etc... I'm seriously hoping that a lunchtime English lesson is not going to be a regular thing. Its not what I'm here for. Just the thought of its gets me down.

Some people may think that I was being naive when I thought I was being employed for my design skills. Do Japanese people only see me as a walking-talking-English teacher?

Still, I'm going to look forward regardless and do my best with design. Hopefully it is just the fact that its the first time for all of them to work with a foreigner, and the novelty will soon wear off. I got another brief today, this time from a different person and it was very well explained. And... its actually Graphic Design... not Web Design... yay!!

The photo above is of Enoshima Island, about 1.5 hours away from Tokyo depending on where you live. Its the nearest nicest beach to Tokyo. The beach is crowded, but if you climb up to the temples theres lots of shade and areas to relax. More photos of the area can be seen by clicking on the above photo.

**It was hot hot hot. I got sunburnt... :(

2 件のコメント:

PA さんのコメント...

Really show them you can speak Japanese and are a serious Japanese student. Take your books along to work, ask them questions in Japanese on your lunch breaks. Probably obvious things, but it kinda bugs me they're seeing you as an English teacher...When I worked at AEON in the publishing department, because I was very keen on Japanese and told everyone I was learning, the Japanese staff always spoke to me in Japanese. Which I appreciated a lot.
You're there as a designer, not a teacher. I'd be as explicit as possible, without being impolite, about your passion for Japanese + design...
Sorry to rant here ;-)
Ahhh, Enoshima.

匿名 さんのコメント...

