
You Know You're a Graphic Designer When...

・ You watch TV just for the commercials
・ Bad typography, bad colour combinations and bad compositions make
you itch
・ You are completely immune to subliminal advertising
・ You tell stories of scalpel inflicted wounds with grizzled sort of pride
・ You have an appreciation for everything unique
・ You buy a CD for the artwork, even if you have no idea what the music
is like
・ When ophans and widows make you want to cry for other reasons
・ Seeing someone use Lens Flare or Comic Sans adversely affects your
・ You maintain a grid system for your refrigerator magnets
・ You know good design doesn't have to look good
・ You sit stare at your monitor for 8 hours, waiting for a spark of inspiration
・ You're up until 5am because you came up with the best idea ever while
brushing your teeth
・ You know Lorem Ipsum by heart
・ Apple+Z is the first thing that goes through your mind if you drop and
break something
・ You know that rivers are more than just water

3 件のコメント:

匿名 さんのコメント...

if only you could ctrl+z some things that went wrong in real life... lol

PA さんのコメント...

He he, coool!

Why does 'good design' not have to look good?

Fab list. Especially the 'rivers aren't just water'!

karekora さんのコメント...

haha... and ctrl+shift+z if you change your mind..:)

I think that means 'good design' is design that effectively does the job that its supposed to, sometimes that job isnt to make us feel at ease with nice design, but to make us hate the design, feel uneasy, or make us think of something else through bad design...that design is then 'good'... i think.. :)

The list is worrying as it means I will have bad bags through lack of sleep, have lots of random twitches, be forever scratching myself, have terrible blood pressure and be bankrupt through buying things I dont need by the time I'm 50...

...maybe i should quit while im ahead...