

東京の天気、分かりません。 最近、東京の天気は寒くなかったです。多分、三寒四温になりますね? 昨日の昼、代々木公園で、寒くないですから、私は本を読みました。("Earthquake Bird"を読みました。とてもタノシくて、おかしい (!) 本)昨日の晩、とっても寒くなりました。たくさん雪が降りました。今日、天気はまた寒くなかったです。へぇ?ロンドンのような天気じゃありません。 In London, you might get one day hot, one day cold, but not go from the extremes like Tokyo. Im not saying yesterday was boiling, it just felt like the beginning of Spring. This morning, it was the middle of Winter. Now, its the end of Winter.

When I woke up today, I was faced with a very horrible fact. Something that had tormented me for months at School had come back to visit me, see how I was. I wasnt pleased to see (or feel) its ugly face sticking out of my heel. Today, while out, I searched EVERYWHERE to try and find something to exterminate it. Its no good. I dont know how Tokyoites live. How they survive. No "Bazzuka that Verruca!" anywhere...
Please say I can murder this verruca easily...

I heard a horn of a car today. It took me by surprise.

Anyway, of "Earthquake Bird" by Susannah Jones, its a brilliant book.
Its a kind of "who-dunnit?" set in Tokyo (Shinjuku Keio Dept Store, Takadanobaba and Shin-Okubo) with Lucy Fly, a English girl as the main character. Shes a translator in Tokyo, and hates her family, her life in England, and thinks she'll stay in Tokyo forever. It starts off with an Earthquake, and Lucy ducking for the safety of her waldrobe, along with her bicycle helmet, whistle, water and cockroach. You take a liking to Lucy, she seems normal. Shes arrested on the second page for the murder of her friend, Lily. You still trust her, but as she starts to delve into the memories of her past, you maybe start to doubt her. You find out about how her brother died, how one of her first friends in Tokyo died, how she lost her virginity.... And she no longer seems normal. But did she kill Lily, or is it just that she has a very vivid imagination - even to the extent of going mad?

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